We train at the The Thomas Hardye School, Queen’s Avenue, Dorchester, DT1 2ET
Throughout the year, registration is in or just outside the lower sports hall and, depending on the season/weather, we are either in the sports hall, or out on the athletics track.
Come and find us for a chat if you want to know more.
It is recommended that the school is accessed from Coburg Road rather than Queen’s Avenue as the gates may be locked. If possible, please park in the car park between the Dorchester Sports Centre and the all-weather pitches o ron the slip road that leads down to them. The map below shows the route from the car park to the training and registration hall as a dashed red line. The school sports hall is also shown in red.
Please note that in the above map the buildings south of Sports Hall 1 no longer exist and the area is grassed over.
Winter training for senior athletes is on the all-weather, floodlit track at The Bill Whistlecroft Athletic Arena, Yeovil. For information on finding this track please visit: www.runtrackdir.com/details.asp?track=yeovil

We are an athletics club open to athletes of any ability from nine years of age. If you are interested in joining us, please contact us via the form below.
The club will reply and tell you whether the applicant can be accepted immediately or must first go on a waiting list. Once accepted the new member will be offered a number of free sessions to see if they like the club and wish to continue.
Fill in the form below and a member of our team will contact you shortly.
Membership category |
Monthly fee for a year |
Athletes under the age of 11 on the 31st December |
£16.00 pcm |
All training athletes aged 11 or older on the 31st December |
£21.00 pcm |
Adults (16 or older) who are not training but who compete |
£6.00 pcm |
Adults (16 or older) who are not training or competing |
£2.50 pcm |
Athletes training for only half a year i.e. winter or summer |
£13.00 pcm (U11-£9 pcm) |
Students studying away from Dorchester. Therefore not able to train during Higher Education term times. |
£11.00 pcm |
Training sessions prior to activation of standing order (short term) |
£5.00 per session |
Potential applicants are advised to read fuller information on the joining process before contacting us. This should answer most of your questions.